Read on to see what advice was being given to gardeners back in December 1906. OK so not many of us still have a piggery but the following statement probably still holds true – “Those that command the largest and strongest manure heap will mostly have the finest crops.”
“December should be a cleaning and enriching month. All waste and rubbish, dead tops of vegetables or of flowers, should be removed and pitched into the piggery or taken to the manure heap; roads or walks and yards cleaned, ditches scoured, and all trimmings and scrapings converted into manure or compost for the garden. Those that command the largest and strongest manure heap will mostly have the finest crops. This ought therefore to have the first consideration before the dead of winter.
What manure is almost fit for use may be wheeled on to the land and deeply dug or trenched in. The sooner all the work is completed the better for the soil and next year’s gardening. Those that have any arrears of the past year can hardly expect to keep abreast of their work next year.
Let all the flower beds be carefully pointed over, and see to the pruning and training of grape vines, fruit trees, roses and other climbers. Also finish planting these if not already done.
Window plants must have careful treatment during this and next month. Remove them from the window on to the table on very frosty nights and see that the leaves are kept clear of dust and the roots moderately well supplied with water. The more tender the plants, the more care must be taken to have the leaves dry before night. Cinerarias see a good test of frost, and if they are safe, all others found in the window may be held to be so also.
Complete the planting of currants, raspberries, gooseberries, nuts, &c., if not already completed.”
So if you thought December gardening was all about watering the Poinsettia then think again! It looks like December could be a busy month.
Last Updated on November 30, 2022 by Suttons Horticultural Team