Cut flower chart and growing guide
Our cut flower wall chart & guide helps you plan perfect arrangements.
Our cut flower wall chart & guide helps you plan perfect arrangements.
From Achilleas all the way through to West country Lupins and whether you're planting your favourites or trying something new, our user-friendly perennial …
If you want to sow your own flower seeds so that you can harvest their edible petals, here are the best varieties to grow.
Read on to see what gardening advice was being given back in November 1906. The advice was useful, technical and also rather moral as in “Better far put …
The birth flower for October is Calendula, a herb also known as Pot Marigold. This is an incredibly versatile edible plant and has been used in many ways over …
How seed bombs work A seed bomb is a ball made of compost mixed with flour and water into which seeds have been embedded. Once the bomb has been thrown and the …
This guide provides extensive information to help you prepare, pick and successfully look after your tea
This guide provides Lofos growing information whose latin name is Lophospermum erubescens but may be also be found listed as Asarina erubescens or Maurandya …
This is a general guide to planting both annuals and perennial plants. This guide features plain-speaking advice and instructions for maximum
Your young lettuce, cucumber & tomato plants have been grown under ideal conditions and they'll develop best if you follow this growing instructions