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My Garden Diary – Reminders for August 1914

my garden diary

This garden diary would have been written and printed in 1913. Little did they know that war was just around the corner. Read on for the August advice given to the 1914 gardeners and note the advice re sowing both veg and flowers this month.

Supplies of Vegetables from the garden during the winter and spring depend on good management now. The planting out of Kales and Savoys must be completed, and the last batch of Celery should be transferred to final quarters. Make another Mushroom bed out of doors to maintain a supply.

Cabbages for spring use should be sown during this month, and two sowings are advisable, allowing an interval of a fortnight. On each occasion at least two varieties should be got in. Of the few Cabbages that are reliable for hearting in spring, Sutton’s Harbinger, April, Flower of Spring, and Favourite may be regarded as the most successful varieties. Red Cabbage for pickling, and Coleworts for midwinter supplies must also be thought of.

Early in the month sow Cauliflower in the open for spring planting. Autumn-sown Onions often succeed where the spring sowing fails, and the autumn plant is troubled with fewer pests. Get the seed in at the beginning of the month, choosing A 1, Reading, White Leviathan, and Giant Lemon Rocca, all excellent types adapted to the season. Sow Chervil and protect with a frame during winter. On land that has been made distasteful to wireworm by dressings of soot and wood ashes Prickly Spinach should be sown freely for winter and spring cutting. Sow Lettuces in quantity to stand the winter, including Sutton’s Winter White and Black-seeded Bath Cos, and in the Cabbage class Standwell and Marvel. Winter Lettuce-leaved is the Endive to sow at this season. Sow Corn Salad and Black Spanish Radish again. Commence blanching Cardoons.

The spring display of Annuals is secured by sowing seed from the middle of this month to the middle of September – Silene, Shirley Poppy, and many other Annuals afford charming displays of colour at a season when the gardens, except for bulbs, are often destitute of flowers. Asters lifted from beds when approaching full bloom make very showy pot plants. Pot Cannas and all other plants intended for winter bloom. Shift on Sutton’s Calceolarias, Cinerarias, Cyclamens, and Primulas. Sow Giant Mignonette in pots for early work, and thin  severely when the rough leaves appear. This is also a suitable month for sowing seed of Schizanthus, and the charming South African flower Nemesia, for conservatory decoration in winter and spring. The first sowing of Cyclamen to be made this month, or early in September.

Roman Hyacinths, the early varieties of Narcissus, Scillas, and Chionodoxa Lucillae should be potted for forcing, and it is time for the full stock of Bulbs to be ordered. Pot Lachenalias and early in the month begin potting Freesias, putting six or eight bulbs in each 48-pot.

Sutton’s Bulb Catalogue is published in August, and a copy will be forwarded to Bulb customers on the date of issue, and to others who intend planting, on application.

Towards the end of the present month is a favourable time for the formation of new Lawns. In the warm soil grass seeds grow freely and clothe the ground with verdure before winter sets in. Seed may also be sown on old Lawns to thicken a worn or deficient plant.


1.    Lammas Day. Borough and County lists to be affixed to church doors and post offices for two Sundays.
3.    Bank Holiday. Royal Academy closes.
6.    Full Moon, 12.41 a.m.
11.    Half-Quarter Day. Dog days end.
12.    Grouse and Ptarmigan shooting begins.
14.    Old Lammas Day. Last Quarter, 12.56 a.m.
20.    Last day for service of objections to electors in counties and boroughs. Lodger claims to be sent in before this day. Blackcock shooting begins.
21.    Total Eclipse of Sun, visible as a Partial Eclipse at Greenwich. New Moon, 12.27 p.m.
25.    Last day for publishing claims and objections to vote in elections.
28.    First Quarter, 4.53 a.m.

Barometer, 29.783 in.            Temperature, 61.8 deg. Fahr.
Rainfall, 2.34 in.            Rainfall for August 1914……………………

Last Updated on February 11, 2025 by Suttons Horticultural Team

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