Root Vegetables You Never Knew You Needed!
The exotic Gourmet roots collection has a well-traveled story. They originate from all over the world, the Andes, China & Peru! With extraordinary colours and shapes, they all look unique and otherworldly in their own ways.
Artichoke – Chinese Conito
A rare vegetable that’s a dream come true. It’s easy to grow and produces strange alien looking artichokes. Don’t be fooled by their softer looking texture. They are crunchy and nutty in taste! They can also be left in the ground until they’re needed for all of your tasty exotic salads and stir-fries.

Artichoke – Jerusalem Papas
Also known as the Sunchoke (we prefer this name) this beautiful looking artichoke is purple in colour and taste amazing! With a rich, nutty flavour, they taste great roasted, sauteed or baked! How versatile?

Not to mention they grow the most amazing sunflower – esque blooms that just look incredible! So whilst you’re wondering which delicious dishes you’re going to add these artichokes to, you can be admiring the flowers they produce!

Oca – Giggles
Versatile roots that will really bring the taste of South America into your home! Beautifully red and tangy in taste, these little red tubers are absolutely perfect for so many dishes. Also known as the Peruvian Wood Sorrel, this tuber will grow fantastically in pots and containers as well as the ground.

Yakon – Inka Red
With origins in Aztec regions, this root is known as a Water Root in its native tongue. This root also has an enormous complex, it’s the largest tuber that you can grow in the UK! With a crisp and juicy taste, complemented by sweet undertones this root will liven up any dish you put it in.
Another great fact about the Yakon is that although it is sweet-tasting, that is due to the amount of Inulin stuffed into each one. This makes them great for diabetics!

Go and check out the whole range here!
Last Updated on December 21, 2023 by Suttons Horticultural Team
Hi Michael, Yakon, Jerusalem Artichokes, Oca and Conito all need space as tall plants. Plant 60cm apart in a sunny site. When stems are 30cms high draw up the earth to support them up to 15cms. They may need support in exposed sites. Only water in dry conditions. When leaves start to yellow in autumn cut down the stems to 8cms and lay over the stumps to contain warmth and make it easier to dig up tubers in frost. Harvest late autumn to winter and leave tubers in the ground until needed. We hope this helps!
Best regards,
The Suttons Team
have received the gourmet roots collection and looked forward to getting them planted so followed the links for planting instructions onlly to find that the relevant pages are not available,so,what do i do with them?they are sat in their posting container awaiting instructions on how/where/how deep/ spacing/final growth etc.a reply asap is required