A flower seed bomb is a ball made of compost and seeds, which is held together with a mix of flour and water. Once the bomb has been thrown, it slowly breaks apart releasing the loose compost and flower seeds, which begin to germinate.
April to June is the best time for seed bomb-making and it’s a great way to spend a rainy morning. A fun activity for children, it also helps them learn about the different types of flower seeds including how they grow and what wildlife they attract.
You will need:
- Flower seeds
- Compost
- Cheap flour
- Water
- A bucket
- A mixing bowl
- A wooden spoon
- An old mug for measuring
- Plastic apron(s)
- Somewhere to throw your seed bombs – with the landowner’s permission!
Step-by-step guide to making your flower bomb mix
- Using your mug as a scoop, add 3 mugs of compost to the bucket.
- Empty the seeds into the bucket and mix everything together with your hands.
- Scoop a mug of flour into a separate mixing bowl.
- Add water, a little at a time, and stir with a wooden spoon – keep adding water until your flour mixture is thick and gloopy.
- Pour the flour and water mix into the bucket of compost and seed.
- Mix everything together with your wooden spoon – it should form a thick ‘dough’.
- Break off a piece of ‘dough’ and gently roll it in your hands to make a golf-ball-sized seed bomb.
- Repeat until you’ve used up all the dough.
- Place the balls on a tray and leave them to dry for 24 hours.
- Head outside to the garden to scatter your seed bombs!
Flower Seed Bombs –Top Tips

Image: Colourful Annuals Mix Seeds
- Ideally, make your seed bombs the day before rain is forecast. Throw your bombs before the rain arrives and leave them to benefit from the downpour.
- Choose seeds that flower at the same time. British wildflower mixes make a great choice. Cosmos, cornflower seeds, marigold seeds and eschscholzia seeds (poppies) are ideal for sunny areas.
- To stop birds eating the seeds, add a little paprika to the mix – they don’t like it!
- In winter, when the birds need some help, make some seed bombs containing bird seed (and no paprika). Alternatively, plan ahead for the birds by making some seed bombs using winter bird feeding mix in spring. After flowering, the pretty and architectural seed heads remain to feed our feathered friends through the coldest months.
Looking for more inspiration? Check out our gardening growing guides here!
Last Updated on February 10, 2025 by Suttons Horticultural Team