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Win Suttons New Vegetable Seeds

This competition has now closed but thank you to all those who took part. Congratulations goes to our six winners who each won a bundle of Suttons new veg seeds.

Interested in growing something new this year? Browse through our new vegetable seeds category to learn more, or get inspired by our handpicked selection below.

Six best new vegetable seeds to help you save money

Growing vegetables from seed is a great way to save money and guarantee a steady supply of healthy produce for your family. Veg seeds are relatively cheap and easy to grow, and by choosing high value crops you can make significant savings in the supermarket over the course of a year. 

If you want to reduce your food bill by growing your own veg, here are six suggestions. Try these new and exciting vegetable seeds for high yields and excellent value:

1. Kale ‘Cottagers’

Perennial vegetables offer fantastic value for money, and each plant grown from ‘Cottagers’ Kale seeds produces tasty, vitamin-packed leaves for up to five years. This hardy heritage variety is an unusual cross between kale, Brussels sprouts and purple-sprouting broccoli and provides a healthy crop all through winter and early spring. Cut fresh baby leaves as needed for salads and smoothies, or allow them to mature for steaming and stir frying. 

2. Courgette ‘Butterstick’

Group of yellow courgettes

Courgette plants are excellent value for money as they crop prolifically over a long period. One of the most versatile veggies you can grow, they’re a great addition to cakes, pasta sauces, stir-fries or simply stuffed and baked. Sow courgette ‘Butterstick’ F1 seeds for golden yellow fruits with a delicious flavour – ideal for courgette ‘spaghetti’!

3. Beetroot ‘Jolie’

Roasted beetroot on dish

A vigorous, late-maturing variety, Beetroot ‘Jolie’ F1 makes our list because of its excellent storage qualities. These deep red, uniform beets are sweet and delicious, making excellent cakes, soups, salads and roasted veg. The leaves are also edible, giving a fresh twist to salads and stir-fries. Harvest while young for baby beets or allow them to fully mature and store until needed.

4. Radish ‘Mooli’

Long white mooli radish roots

Succession sow these quick-growing Radish ‘Mooli’ seeds throughout the summer whenever you spot a gap and you’ll reap the rewards through autumn and winter. These crisp, pure white roots can grow up to 25cm long and your mild-flavoured crop will remain in perfect condition for a long period.

5. Squash ‘Uchiki Kuri’

Group of circular orange squash

Suttons squash ‘Uchiki Kuri’ seeds are ideal for sowing in large patio containers or small veg patches. With a compact, bushy habit, the plants grow vigorously in warm weather. Harvest your bright orange-red ‘cobnut’ type squashes from mid-summer through to autumn and enjoy their firm, sweet and nutty flavoured flesh in soups, curries, casseroles and risottos.

6. Dwarf French Bean ‘Dior’

Yellow french beans on plant

French beans are one of the highest yielding crops you can grow – the more pods you pick the more the plant will produce! Taking up relatively little space, they grow vertically up a trellis or frame and can be freshly picked as required to avoid waste. Sow Dwarf French Bean ‘Dior’ seeds for prolific amounts of flavoursome, yellow beans that keep their colour when cooked.

We hope we’ve inspired you to grow your own high value crops to help you save money at the supermarket. Don’t forget to enter our giveaway above for the chance to win a bundle of these six vegetable seeds from Suttons. Good luck! 

Last Updated on September 13, 2024 by Suttons Horticultural Team

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2 thoughts on “Win Suttons New Vegetable Seeds”

  1. Lynn Robinson says:


  2. Patricia Cunningham says:

    worth a go

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