If you are looking for some inspiration for something different to grow in your flower beds, borders or containers, you’ll find it in our range of new seeds for 2018. With 25 new varieties to choose from you may not have space for all them. So we have narrowed it down and shine a spotlight on 15 our favourite new flower seeds for 2018.
Poppy Lauren’s Grape
A hardy annual that can be sown direct outside for an outstanding border. These quick-growing plants produce spectacular silver-green foliage topped with magnificent plum-coloured blooms, followed by attractive seed heads that can be cut for a vase or left to ‘self-seed’ in the garden. Flowers June-August.
Antirrhinum F1 Crackle & Pop
British bred for the British climate, this is a superb quality, early flowering variety. Lovely in a container, it is a compact, bushy variety that becomes smothered in masses of flowers of red, yellow and pink shades, together with white, to create a truly attention-grabbing display.
Cornflower Black Ball
A cottage garden favourite, the sensational dark, deep crimson blooms, which appear almost black in some lights, make this a truly stunning cornflower. As well as being a great variety to attract pollinating insects, it also makes an excellent cut flower for the home.
Marigold F1 Zenith Mix
This truly is the ultimate marigold. Producing a constant display of medium-sized blooms of red, orange or yellow on bushy, compact plants. Another bonus is that they don’t set seed so no ‘dead heading’ is required, and they’ll keep on producing masses of new flowers throughout summer!
Pansy F1 Frizzle Sizzle Orange
This pansy is a great way to brighten up borders, containers or baskets. The fantastic frilly flowers have attractive fluted petals to delight you wherever you grow them.
Sweet Pea Fragrant Tide Mix
These superb plants have a dwarf, cascading, spreading growth habit, ideal for ground cover purposes. Producing large quantities of blooms throughout the summer, in a range of bright colours with a wonderful fragrance.
Calendula Kinglet Mix
A super variety producing loads of tall, crested flowers in a range of orange and yellow shades. Exquisite flower form and high-quality blooms make this a real winner!
Rudbeckia Irish Eyes
What’s not to love about these superb large golden flowers. Imposing and larger than average sized blooms they look great in borders or large containers. Produced on sturdy plants throughout the summer through to the autumn frosts, they’ll give you a long season of colour.
Cosmea Brightness Mix
These bright, glowing colours will light up your borders and containers. The masses of semi-double, medium-sized flowers of vibrant scarlet, orange and yellow will bring the brightness wherever you plant them.
Nasturtium Ladybird Rose
This robust, easy-to-grow nasturtium has lovely pale rose, attractively marked blooms. The unusual, beautifully patterned flowers make an eye-catching addition to front of any border.
Nicotiana F1 Tinkerbell
A unique variety that makes for a really unusual border plant. The flowers have pale green outer with deep rose throat & electric blue stamens. Flowering all summer this is one to catch the eye!
Sweet Pea Patriotic Mix
To mark the centenary of the end of the First World War, we’ve put together a trio of sweet peas that will produce a profusion of red, white and blue flowers as the Patriot name suggests! These are all Spencer type sweet peas, chosen for their exceptional floral performance.
Zinnia Queen Red Lime
These tall, bushy plants with large double flowers of a unique red/lime colour, will create the ‘wow’ factor in borders or large containers. When we saw the stunning, unique colour and generous size of the blooms we just had to make it part of our range.
Sunflower Pike’s Peak
As sunflowers go, Pike’s Peak is a big one, maybe not as tall as Giraffe but with its much thicker stem it requires no support, making it an ideal variety for more exposed areas. It produces large golden flowers which then give way to giant seeds. Birds will love it!
Zinnia Molotov Mix
Winner of the “People’s Choice” award at the RHS Wisley trials, this Zinnia is an absolute stunner! The medium-sized blooms are produced in an ‘explosive’ mix of colours and are ideal for garden decoration or cut-and-come-again flowers to keep your vases full all summer.
Let us know what new flower seeds you will be growing this year in the comments below.
Last Updated on June 20, 2022 by Suttons Horticultural Team