We are pleased to launch our 2024 seed range, featuring new vegetable varieties to tempt you.
From chillies to tomatoes and hearty roots – here are just a few highlights.
Range Highlights
Chilli Pepper ‘Raging Bull’ F1
Capsicum chinense
Sweet & fruity with a super-hot kick!

‘Raging Bull’ is a cross between a Biquinho and a Habanero, producing chillies with a sweet and fruity flavour coupled with a super-hot kick of 100,000 SHU!
Distinctive tear-drop-shaped fruits
This very heavy cropping chilli offers masses of bright-red, tear-drop-shaped fruits that are larger than Biquinho but just as prolific.

Height and spread: 60cm (24in)
Sow: February to April
Harvest: July to October
12 Seeds
Seeds: 6
Tomato ‘Rainbow Drops Mix’ F1
Solanum lycopersicum
Stunning trio of sweet red, yellow & orange cherry toms

Grow a rainbow of delicious red, yellow and orange toms that cascade from hanging baskets. Tomato ‘Rainbow Drops Mix’ is a terrific trio of colourful and sweet-tasting cherry tomatoes.
Fruit forms above the leaves for an easy harvest
This delightfully different tomato bears most of its fruit above the leaves, so the tomatoes are very easy to harvest. Each sweet cherry tomato weighs 8-12g and has a Brix sweetness rating of 8.
Quick to produce new fruits for crops all summer
‘Rainbow Drops Mix’ plants are quick to form new fruit after the first harvest, so you’ll be harvesting tasty toms all summer.
Height 30cm (12in)
Spread: 40-50cm (16-20in)
Sow: February to April
Harvest: July to October
Seeds: 6
Carrot ‘Black Nebula’
Daucus carota
The darkest carrot available!

Even the humble carrot has a dark side! With a high concentration of health-promoting anthocyanins, ‘Black Nebula’ is currently the darkest carrot available, producing long, tapering roots in a striking black-purple shade reaching 15-25cm.
Dark to the core – even after cooking
‘Black Nebula’ makes a colourful addition to the plate and their colour penetrates to the core and is retained on cooking. With crunchy flesh that has a good earthy flavour, enjoy them steamed, raw in salads or juice them for a highly nutritious, dark-purple smoothie.
Height: 30cm (12in)
Spread: 15cm (6in)
Sow: April to June
Harvest: August to November
Seeds: 300
Onion ‘Redrover’ F1
Allium cepa
Bred for flavour & long-term storage

‘Redrover’ produces red onions that are uniform in shape and size and boast exceptional storage.
Less fiery in flavour than brown-skinned onions, ‘Redrover’ has a mild, sweeter flavour and crunchy texture. Ideal for eating fresh in salads and sandwiches, or as an ingredient in your favourite dish.
This deep red onion will store for almost a year once harvested!
With a high tolerance to sprouting, your stored onions won’t start growing before you get around to eating them. Harvest in August and ‘Redrover’ will happily store in a net, in a frost-free place, until the end of May/June – some lasting until early August. Got a glut? These are ideal for making homemade red onion marmalade.
Height 35cm (14in)
Spread: 20cm (8in)
Sow: March to April
Harvest: August to September
Seeds: 150
Radish ‘Royal Purple’
Raphanus sativus
Large, uniform radish roots in just 33 days!

Ready to harvest in just 33 days from sowing, ‘Royal Purple’ is perfect for veg growers of all abilities.
Large round roots up to 5cm across
‘Royal Purple’ produces perfectly formed plump, round radishes measuring up to 5cm across, with mild, sweet flesh and a satisfying crunch.
Height: 20cm (8in)
Spread: 10cm (4in)
Sow: March to August
Harvest: May to September
Seeds: 200
View All New Vegetable Seeds
This is just a small selection of the new vegetable seeds we have on offer for 2024 – browse the full range here!