This competition has now closed but thank you to all those who took part. Congratulations goes to our winner ‘Amy S’ who won our bundle of three patio fruit trees.
For more inspiration on giving your patio an exotic lift with this handy collection, have a look at our list below, or browse our full range of fruit trees for more inspiration.
Turn your patio into a mini-orchard

You don’t need acres of land to grow your own fruit trees – in fact, you don’t even need a garden. Dwarf fruit trees are ideal for growing in large containers and provide a long season of interest from spring when they flower, through to autumn when they fruit.
If you’d like to grow fresh fruit in courtyard containers, patio pots or even on a sunny balcony, our patio fruit tree collection will get you off to a flying start. Here’s more about the dwarf fruit trees that thrive in a small garden.
Cherry ‘Sylvia’

Image: Patio Cherry Sylvia from Suttons
Grafted onto dwarf rootstock, this patio cherry is perfect for growing in a container and will reach about 1m in height. Self-fertile, it makes an impressive addition to a sunny outdoor seating area, especially in the spring when it’s smothered with attractive, fragrant, white blossoms. In summer, it produces sweet, dark red fruits that are resistant to splitting.
Once established, Patio Cherry ‘Sylvia’ needs very little care. A light prune during the summer to maintain its shape is all that’s required. Eat the fruits as they appear, or cook them down to make a luxurious, homegrown preserve.
Apple ‘Golden Delicious’

Image: Patio Apple Mini Yellow Golden Delicious from Suttons
Patio Apple ‘Golden Delicious’ is an ideal variety for your container orchard, maturing at about 1m in height when grown on a sunny patio. Perfect in small gardens, it can also be grown in a border if you’re after a fruit tree that won’t overpower your space.
Flowering profusely from mid to late spring, the pretty white blossom is beautifully scented. By autumn, a crop of full-sized apples appears, turning from light green to golden yellow as they mature. Popular for its incredibly sweet and juicy fruits, ‘Golden Delicious’ is a versatile apple that can be used in cooking or eaten fresh from the tree. It stores well too, should you wish to prolong your bounty!
Pear ‘Conference’

Image: Pear Mini Conference from Suttons
Developed in Hertfordshire in the late 19th century, this cultivar is as hardy as they come. Easy to grow, Pear Mini ‘Conference’ is surprisingly low-maintenance and reaches a height of just 1m when kept in a container. Although it prefers a sunny spot, it will also grow in cooler conditions. A pretty addition to your patio, the flush of pure white flowers that appear mid-spring are beautifully set off by the lush green foliage.
Cropping reliably from October to November, its deliciously sweet, long, bell-shaped fruits are best harvested when just slightly under-ripe and brought indoors to soften. Usually eaten as a dessert pear, ‘Mini Conference’ is also exceptional when roasted or poached.
Last Updated on September 30, 2024 by Suttons Horticultural Team
Nice giveaway
These fruit trees would look so fantastic in my mini veg patch patio area of the garden, we’ve been renovating our house for 8 months now so it would be so great to focus on the garden! With a baby on the way it would be amazing to encourage our family to eat fresh home grown fruit!
I’m a first time grower have not done anything for about 30yrs but would like to start
we may need these more than ever now
What a great prize
I love Sutton and the opportunity to have all of the fruit trees would be a dream come true for my patio and garden, there is nothing I love more than growing fruit and veg. I bought Strawberries from Sutton and they have fruited and grown loads, I need another strawberry planter next year.
Love to win my zpple trees never bloomed or produced fruit this Yr nor my cherry tree
Nothing bought compares to picking fresh.