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Win Suttons Tulip ‘Patio Mix’ Bundle

This competition has now closed but thank you to all those who took part. Congratulations goes to our 3 winners who each won a bundle of Suttons tulip bulbs.

Here’s more information about planting tulips in your garden, and why the ‘Patio Mix’ bundle is a great place to start when looking to fill your garden with gorgeous springtime colour. For more inspiration, browse our full range of tulip bulbs.

Top tips for terrific tulips

Collection of seven purple tulip bulbs with green foliage
The classic tulip ‘Purple Flag’ has exquisite purple blooms on long stems
Copyright: F-Action

November is the perfect time to plant tulip bulbs for an early display next year. Not only are the bulbs dormant, the colder temperatures help to protect them against fungal disease. If you want their flowering period to begin later in the spring, simply wait until December or even January to plant your bulbs.

Choose a sunny spot and plant your bulbs in free-draining soil so they don’t rot. If your soil is heavy, just add some sand or grit. Plant them a good 12 inches down and the blooms should return year after year. 

Your bulbs don’t need to be quite as deep if you’re growing them in containers. Why not create ‘bulb lasagnes’ for your patio by including layers of daffodils, crocuses, snowdrops and hyacinths? You’ll get a great container display that lasts for several months. 

If you’re growing your tulips for cut flowers, plant them in rows to make picking easier. Cut the stems before the bud has fully opened to give yourself the longest possible display. For a more natural look in the garden, plant your bulbs in dense ‘crowds’ to give them real impact.

Tulip ‘Patio Mix’ bulbs

Collection of different tulip varieties
Fill your beds, borders & containers with gorgeous tulip varieties

Carefully selected by our experts, Tulip ‘Patio Mix’ is guaranteed to bring your spring garden to life with its vivacious blend of colours, shapes and heights. These gorgeous flowers brighten beds, pots and borders as well as making an excellent cut display. With sturdy stems and long-lasting blooms, it’s easy to see why they’re a favourite of florists and gardeners alike. 

‘Purple Flag’ and ‘Flaming Flag’ are classically cup-shaped, with one boasting an intense royal hue and the other sporting purple streaks against an ivory background. ‘Seador’ and ‘Dynasty’ augment the palette with bold reds and warm pinks – the shorter ‘Seador’ works especially well at the front of borders and in containers, providing depth and contrast against taller varieties.

Browse our full selection of high quality spring bulbs here. And if you’re looking for the best expert advice on growing spring-flowering bulbs, we’ve got you covered. 

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One thought on “Win Suttons Tulip ‘Patio Mix’ Bundle”

  1. Helen Ann Montgomery says:

    Looks a lovely selection for my dear husband toplant for me

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